Kindergarten (4-5 year olds)
Must be able to safely use scissors and zip up their own coat.
Must hold and use a pencil correctly.
Must be able to write their own name, recognize a minimum of fifteen letters of the English alphabet, and count with 1 to 1 correspondence to 10 (counting out ten objects from a group).
Must be at least five years old by December 31st of the school year.
Grade 1 (5-6 year olds)
Must be able to write, name, and the sounds of the entire alphabet.
Must be able to read Dolche sight word list number 5 and independently read level 2 readers.
Must be able to add numbers with a sum up to twenty, and subtract numbers with a minuend up to twenty (no borrowing).
Grade 2 (6-7 year olds)
Must fluently read & comprehend “Frog & Toad Are Friends”.
Must be able to neatly print alphabet (upper & lower case).
Must be able to identify a complete sentence.
Must quickly add and subtract 1 and 2 digit math problems.
Grade 3 (7-8 year olds)
Must fluently read “Madeline” by Ludwig Bemelmans.
Must add / subtract problems with borrowing and carrying.
Must be able to perform basic multiplication and division problems.
Must be able to recognize basic fractions.
Must correctly read a clock and count money.
Grade 4 (8-9 year olds)
Must fluently read “Mr. Popper’s Penguins” by Richard & Florence Atwater.
Must be able to correctly identify a sentence according to the following: noun, adjective, & verb.
Must answer questions in complete sentences.
Must be able to write neatly in print.
Must understand place value to one thousand.
Must be able to multiply one digit by three digit numbers, and divide one digit into three digit numbers.
Grade 5 (9-10 year olds)
Must fluently read & summarize “Stuart Little” by E.B. White.
Must know and understand the eight parts of speech with simple and complete subjects and predicates.
Must master Grade 4 math concepts.
Grade 6 (10-11 year olds)
Must fluently read & summarize “Tuck Everlasting” by Natalie Babbitt.
Must be neat in their writing.
Must be able to label the eight parts of speech with simple and complete subjects and predicates.
Must master Grade 5 math concepts.
Grades 7 & Beyond
These students are tested on Language Arts and Mathematical understanding and ability. Please call for further details.